Basics of Mechanical Engineering


GTCL Written Exam Questions for Mechanical Engineers (2010)

  1. Explain regeneration of gas turbine with schematic diagram
  2. Write 3 types of gear. Which are the typical use of worm gear?
  3. Compare 4-strokes & 2-strokes I.C Engine.
  4. Differentiate flow in pipe & open channel flow.
  5. Draw P-V & T-S diagram of Joule-Brayton cycle.
  6. Define Positive Displacement pump.
  7. A eight cylinder I.C Engine has bore X stroke = 75 m X 70 m. Compression ratio =10:1, calculate the volume of combustion chamber & specified the engine.
  8. A pump has suction head =0.4 m, delivery head =14.6 m, Discharge =10 m3/h. To drive the pump you have to select a motor which has efficiency 90%. Calculate the power of the motor.
  9. A vapor compression system has 10 ton capacity, COP=3, What the power required to KW?
  10. A cantilever beam has length 1 m, 15N load is applied in its top. If EI=10 Nm2, What is the maximum deflection?
  11. A thin cylinder has inner diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2.5 mm, Maximum allowable normal stress = 150 MPa. What will be the internal pressure?
  12. Define Reynolds Number.
  13. Define Mach Number.
  14. Define Nusselts  Number.
  15. Define Prandlts  Number.
  16. Write the Euler's equation for both end clamped. A Euler column of both ends clamped which unsupported length= 1.0 m, stiffness EI=50 Nm2. What is the bulking load?
  17. A spring stiffness 50 KN/m, mass = 3 Kg is hang on spring. write down the equation of the state, whats the frequency of vibration.


  1. You should post the answer also. Specially for mathematical problems.
    Then we could be more benefited.


    1. Thanks for your comments. I will try my best to post the solution of all the mathematical problems within very short time.


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