Basics of Mechanical Engineering


BSEC Written Exam Questions for Mechanical Engineers

  1. What are the Difference between Impulse and Reaction Turbine?
  2. What is staging in turbine?
  3. Differentiate between CI and SI Engine.
  4. Why flywheel is used in Internal Combustion (I.C) Engines? 
  5. What are the characteristics of good refrigerant? 
  6. Why sub-cooling is necessary in refrigeration system?
  7. What is draft tube in Hydraulic turbine?
  8. What are the major and minor losses in pumping system?
  9. Write down the second law of thermodynamics with practical examples.
  10. Draw the block diagram of Vapor compression refrigeration system with P-V , T-S & P-h diagram.
  11. What is the another name of joule cycle? Draw the p-v diagram of a joule cycle?
  12. What is cavitation? What happen when it occurs?
  13. What are the types of bearing? 
  14. Why lubricant and lube oil used? When you should change lube oil?
  15. What is CCPT (combined cycle power plant)? What types of cycle use in CCPT?

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