Basics of Mechanical Engineering


How Heat losses in a Steam Boiler?

Steam boiler don't  have constant thermal efficiency. There is no steam boiler which has 100 % thermal efficiency,  because there are some heat losses which reduce the efficiency. The sources of heat loss are dependent on types of boiler. They can be different based on type of fuel, combustion / firing process, and so on. Solid fuel usually influence higher heat loss than liquid or gaseous fuel.  
Following are the heat losses in a boiler.
  1. Heat lost to dry flue gases.
  2. Heat lost to moisture present in the fuel.
  3. Heat lost to steam formed by combustion of hydrogen.
  4. Heat lost due to unburnt carbon in ashpit.
  5. Heat lost to incomplete combustion of carbon to carbon monoxide.
  6. Heat lost due to radiation etc.


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