Basics of Mechanical Engineering


Constant Pressure Process (Isobaric Process)

When the gas is heated at a constant pressure, its temperature and volume will increase. Since there is a change in its volume, the heat supplied is utilized in increasing the internal energy of the gas and also for doing some external work.
i) P,V,T Relationship:
                                    V/T = Constant
ii) Work done:

                                    W1-2 = P (V2-V1) = mR (T2-T1)
iii) Internal Energy:
                                    U2-U1 = mCv (T2-T1)
iv) Heat Supplied:
                                    Q1-2 = mCP (T2-T1)
v) Enthalpy:
                                    H2-H1 = mCP (T2-T1)
  • When the gas is cooled at constant pressure, there will be a compression. The temperature and volume will decrease during cooling and work is said to be done on the gas.
  • During expansion or heating process, work is done by the gas (i.e W1-2 is + ve); internal energy of the gas increases (i.e dU is + ve) and heat is supplied to the gas (i.e Q1-2 is + ve).
  • During compression or cooling process, work is done on the gas (i.e W1-2 is - ve); internal energy of the gas decreases (i.e dU is - ve) and heat is rejected by the gas (i.e Q1-2 is - ve).

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