Basics of Mechanical Engineering


Titas Gas (Asst. Engineer) Written Exam Questions for Mechanical Engineers

  1. What are the Difference between pump, compressor, blower and fan? 
  2. What is volumetric efficiency? 
  3. What is Ton of Refrigeration? 
  4. Write the second Law of Thermodynamics with Example.
  5. What is VVTI?
  6. What is Reynolds Number? What is the significant of Reynolds Number?
  7. What is Carnot Cycle?
  8. What is Nusselts Number?
  9. What is closed cycle Gas turbine and draw the , P-V and T-S diagram of Closed cycle gas turbine ?
  10. What is Centrifugal pump and write the different parts of the Centrifugal pump?
  11. Draw the Performance curve of Centrifugal Pump

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