A thermodynamic cycle (also variously called the Joule or complete expansion diesel cycle) consisting of two constant-pressure (isobaric) processes interspersed with two reversible adiabatic (isentropic) processes.

- 1-2 : Isentropic Compression
- 2-3 : Constant Pressure heating
- 3-4 : Isentropic Expansion
- 4-1 : Constant Pressure cooling
Heat Supplied = mCp(T3-T2)
Heat Rejected = mCp(T4-T1)

- The efficiency of the brayton cycle lower than Carnot efficiency. The reason is that all the heat is not taken in at highest temperature and rejected at the lowest temperature.
- The cycle is not thermodynamically reversible, because there is no generator to provide a constant temperature during heating and cooling at constant pressure.
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